INSIDE MEDICAL TRAVEL News, views, tools, and opinion in medical tourism

Medical Tourism Revenues Are Still Overstated

Medical tourism statisticsIn recent years, a number of forecasts on worldwide gross medical tourism revenue have been put forward by analysts (McKinsey, Deloitte), interested parties (hospitals), trade show promoters and academics.

One of the early predictions of global revenue for medical tourism, $100 billion by 2012, actually included wellness seekers and many others who we today may not strictly classify as medical travelers seeking acute care. Read more…

How Much Are Body Parts Worth?

How much are body parts worth? Selling one’s organs is nothing but controversial in most circles of health care, including medical tourism.

Yet arguments for and against the sale of organs for transplantation are made by distinguished medical leaders. As recently as 2009, the U.S. Congress considered – but failed to pass – a law that would allow payment to certain organ donors. Read more…

Glove Use Guidelines

Guidelines for wearing glovesAre the doctors and nurses you work with in medical tourism following best practices in wearing gloves? Proper and routine glove use enhances patient safety and treatment quality. Keep your eyes open.

When to wear gloves: Read more…

Are Medical Complications The Fault Of Bad Medical Tourists?

Medical complications in medical tourismThe article usually starts with a headline like “The TRUE cost of medical tourism.”

It foreshadows a tale of horror, a story about a medical treatment abroad gone bad. It’s a portrait of a hapless medical tourist suffering a medical complication. Read more…

Implementing A Customer Service Strategy In A Hospital

Customer serviceHospitals are learning how today’s patients are so different from those just 20 years, or even 10 years ago. With the internet and its boom in information sources, with medical tourism bringing Read more…